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Open Data

Lessons Learned: Building a Data-Driven, User-Centered Government By Secretary Michael Wilkening

As I reflect on our experience at the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS), I see our work over the course of the past few years as a proof of concept for how government must adapt in order to meet the needs of the individuals it serves. I think it is important for us …

Lessons Learned: Building a Data-Driven, User-Centered Government By Secretary Michael Wilkening Read More »

Remarks by Secretary Michael Wilkening at Office of National Coordinator 2018 Annual Meeting

Washington, D.C. (Delivered November 30, 2018) – About 14 million people get services from the various departments that we have. We have a $160 billion dollar budget and about 30,000 staff. California is a state that runs most of its social services programs through the counties. The 30,000 does not include the county staff, who …

Remarks by Secretary Michael Wilkening at Office of National Coordinator 2018 Annual Meeting Read More »

Improving Program and Service Delivery Through the Health & Human Services Program Dashboard

By: Michael Wilkening and Patrick Delaney In recent years, the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) has fostered a culture of data driven innovation among its 12 departments. By removing barriers to data sharing, encouraging interdepartmental collaboration, and using existing data sources to produce business intelligence, we can improve program outreach, service delivery, and …

Improving Program and Service Delivery Through the Health & Human Services Program Dashboard Read More »

Check Out the New Open Data Portal!

The CHHS Open Data Portal is taking a big step. After nearly three years and over 250 datasets published, we migrated to an open source platform that uses the CKAN technology. This move helps users better leverage the tremendous data assets available on the portal. Look out for improved navigation and usability, a wider range of data formats, as well as upcoming charts, …

Check Out the New Open Data Portal! Read More »

HHS Open Data Fest III Videos Now Available

In case you missed it – earlier this year, the California Health and Human Services Agency partnered with Stewards of Change to host two exciting California HHS Open DataFest events. The symposia, held in both Palo Alto and Sacramento, showcased new developments, highlighted innovative solutions, explored emerging knowledge, and shared practical applications from across the state. The video for …

HHS Open Data Fest III Videos Now Available Read More »

CHHS holds second annual Data Expo

On June 17, the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) and the Agency’s Data Subcommittee hosted its second annual “Data Expo.” The event brought together CHHS leadership, managers, and analysts from across departments to connect, share, and learn. The event linked initiatives and highlighted efforts underway throughout the Agency with presentations, panel discussions, and …

CHHS holds second annual Data Expo Read More »

California Research Bureau releases open data case study

The California Research Bureau, a division of the California State Library, recently published a case study on open data titled: “Making Open Data Work in California’s State Government: Lessons from Early Adopters.” The paper summarizes the experiences of both the California Health and Human Services Agency and the California State Controller’s Office, including findings on governance, existing state …

California Research Bureau releases open data case study Read More »

2016 UC Davis hackathon focused on coding for social good

This past May, 300 students descended upon the UC Davis campus for 24 hours of “hacking for social good.” This was the first major collegiate hackathon at UC Davis run entirely by students. There were three different tracks: environment, health and wellness, and education. The California Health and Human Services Agency partnered with Hack Davis for the …

2016 UC Davis hackathon focused on coding for social good Read More »

Join Us for National Day of Civic Hacking

CHHS has partnered with Code for Sacramento and the City of Sacramento for National Day of Civic Hacking 2016! National Day of Civic Hacking is a nationwide day of action where developers, government employees, designers, journalists, data scientists, non-profit employees, UX designers, and residents who care about their communities come together to host civic tech events …

Join Us for National Day of Civic Hacking Read More »

Open Data — Better Lives

I am pleased to announce the launch of the California Health and Human Services Data News Website.  This website will provide updates, news, and other information about the CHHS Open Data Portal and related activities.  Access to information was one of our primary goals in establishing the Open Data Portal, and this new website will …

Open Data — Better Lives Read More »

CHHS Open Data Handbook

  An important but sometimes lesser-known portion of the CHHS open data effort is the associated Open Data Handbook. The handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the defining structures, procedures, technologies, and resources associated with the Data Portal: Introduction—The big-picture purpose of the handbook, key open data technical terms, and implementation phases. Governance—The overall open data …

CHHS Open Data Handbook Read More »

Open Data Successes to Date

CHHS is increasing access to public health, health care, human services and other data, driving improved transparency and data-driven innovation that enhance government services across the health and human services landscape. Since the launch of the portal in November 2014, the innovation has already begun to bear fruit. Though CHHS Open Data has finished only …

Open Data Successes to Date Read More »