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Month: September 2019

Employ Older Workers Week: Recognizing the Value and Contribution of Older Californians. By: Secretary Mark Ghaly and Secretary Julie Su

The Governor has adopted “California for All” as the guiding principle of this Administration and charged us all with building a California in which everyone shares in our prosperity, no one is left behind, and our economy and our institutions work for all. This includes, of course, older Californians and gives us the opportunity to …

Employ Older Workers Week: Recognizing the Value and Contribution of Older Californians. By: Secretary Mark Ghaly and Secretary Julie Su Read More »

Comment Letters on Revision of Categorical Eligibility in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

September 20, 2019 SUBJECT: Comments on Proposed Rule: FNS Docket ID: FNS-2018-0037; Revision of Categorical Eligibility in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; 84 Fed. Reg. 35570 (July 24, 2019), RIN 0584-AE62 Dear Secretary Perdue and Deputy Under Secretary Lipps: The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) submits the following comments for your consideration on the …

Comment Letters on Revision of Categorical Eligibility in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Read More »

Senate Bill 276 and Senate Bill 714: Vaccinations and Medical Exemptions Questions and Answers

What is “herd immunity”? “Herd immunity”, also known as “community immunity”, is the level of immunity that will prevent the spread of an infectious disease in a population. For measles, for example, the level of vaccination needed to achieve herd immunity is approximately 95%. If immunity is above the “herd immunity” threshold for a group …

Senate Bill 276 and Senate Bill 714: Vaccinations and Medical Exemptions Questions and Answers Read More »