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2016 UC Davis hackathon focused on coding for social good

This past May, 300 students descended upon the UC Davis campus for 24 hours of “hacking for social good.” This was the first major collegiate hackathon at UC Davis run entirely by students. There were three different tracks: environment, health and wellness, and education. The California Health and Human Services Agency partnered with Hack Davis for the …

2016 UC Davis hackathon focused on coding for social good Read More »

Join Us for National Day of Civic Hacking

CHHS has partnered with Code for Sacramento and the City of Sacramento for National Day of Civic Hacking 2016! National Day of Civic Hacking is a nationwide day of action where developers, government employees, designers, journalists, data scientists, non-profit employees, UX designers, and residents who care about their communities come together to host civic tech events …

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Open Data Successes to Date

CHHS is increasing access to public health, health care, human services and other data, driving improved transparency and data-driven innovation that enhance government services across the health and human services landscape. Since the launch of the portal in November 2014, the innovation has already begun to bear fruit. Though CHHS Open Data has finished only …

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