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Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)

California CIE: Blueprint for Change

The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), California Department of Education (CDE)and California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) have entered into an agreement consistent with the State’s “Employment First” policy and other laws to make employment in an integrated setting, at a competitive wage, for individuals with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) its highest priority.
The California Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Blueprint is the combined effort of the CDE, DOR and DDS, in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders including Disability Rights of California (DRC), with leadership provided by the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS). The purpose of the Blueprint is to increase opportunities for Californians with ID/DD to prepare for and participate in CIE.

Competitive Integrated Employment Blueprint

The final California Competitive Integrated Employment Blueprint is available below:

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CIE Toolkit

The CIE Toolkit is designed to provide tools and resources on CIE services and supports available to individuals with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) and their families.

CIE Annual Reports

Local Partnership Agreements


Stakeholder Updates and Transcripts