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CalHHS Statement

Joint Statement from California Health & Human Services Leaders on Governor’s Announcement of an Abortion Medication Emergency Stockpile

California has Secured a Reserve of Misoprostol Through CalRx to Help Ensure Continued Access to Medication Abortion and Essential Reproductive Healthcare

Following Governor Gavin Newsom’s announcement that California is ensuring people can still access abortion medication throughout the state by creating a Misoprostol emergency stockpile through its CalRx Initiative, leaders of the California Health & Human Services Agency (CalHHS)—including Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly, California Surgeon General Dr. Diana Ramos, Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Director Michelle Baass, Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) Director Mary Watanabe, and Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) Director Elizabeth Landsberg—release the following joint statement:

“California’s procurement of misoprostol is not only important in securing access to medication abortion, but to reproductive health care at large for all those who need it. In a time when reproductive justice is under siege across the nation, California continues to ensure access to these rights and strategically find innovative ways to increase access to these services. This procurement is yet another way to ensure that access to reproductive health care is never lacking for Californians.”


  • DHCS has informed Medi-Cal providers about continued reimbursement for medication abortion using a Misoprostol-only treatment regimen.
  • DMHC has issued an All Plan Letter reminding health plans of California statute requiring coverage for the off-label use of prescription drugs, including, but not limited to, the use of Misoprostol for medication abortion.
  • Abortion.CA.GOV, California’s abortion resource website, is updated to address potential questions people may have regarding the court decision and its potential impact on their access to abortion care, in particular medication abortion.
