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Statement from California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly on the Release of Governor Newsom’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2021-2022 State Budget

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on California families and businesses. This past year has highlighted the systemic racism and discrimination that has created social, economic, and health inequities contributing to disproportionately higher infection and mortality rates for both chronic and infectious diseases.

As we look ahead, the governor’s Budget proposal makes bold investments that will help position the state to begin an equitable and broad-based recovery.

The health and human services proposals in the Budget independently help bolster critical safety-net programs that Californians across the state depend on. Taken collectively, these investments have an even broader impact, as they advance the health and well-being, as well as the social and economic mobility, of all Californians.

These Budget proposals are the foundation of a Healthy California for All. We will continue exploring policy solutions that improve the health and well-being of entire communities while driving toward an integrated health and human services system that is accessible, affordable, high-quality and equitable for all.

To that end, it is important to recognize that our work extends to the entire life span, from initiatives focused on improving the trajectory of our children, to efforts designed to improve the quality of life of older and disabled Californians. Most importantly, our work looks to make a positive impact on the lives of all Californians, irrespective of age, race, gender, socioeconomic status and sexual orientation.

Finally, person-centered programs require integrated data organized around people and their communities rather than programs. This is why the Budget looks to enhance the actionable use of our data so that we can better understand the conditions in communities, the impact of current programs and the opportunities to improve the delivery of our services.”

Mark Ghaly, MD, MPH
CA Health and Human Services Agency