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Change your Facebook Frame and Help #FightFluTogether

Today is the day we want people to take our #FightFluTogether campaign to their Facebook pages to let friends and family know they’ve received a flu shot. We’re urging people to post an “I got my flu shot” Facebook frame on their cover image today. It’s easy to do and effective in reminding people to get a flu shot, which is more important than ever this year as we fight a dual battle with COVID-19 and the flu.

It’s Easy

Go to the help page on Facebook and follow the directions for posting a frame. Once you’re in the frame search, enter “I got my flu shot” in the search box. Look for the California Department of Public Health frame to pop up and then post it. There are other “I got my flu shotframes, so be sure to use CDPH’s. Displaying the frame helps build our momentum in reminding people to protect themselves, their loved ones, and friends against the flu by getting this year’s shot. Take the frame down whenever you like, but we hope you will keep it up through October.

Add a Message

To help encourage your followers to get their flu shot, here’s a sample message to post: “Get a flu shot to protect yourself, your family, and the people you care about, against flu. I got my shot. How about you?” #PublicHealth #FightFluTogether

The Toolkit

CDPH has developed a Let’s Fight Flu Together communication toolkit to help spread the message about getting a flu shot. Please help us push out these materials and go live today with our Facebook frame campaign. Thank you!

Help save lives and #FightFluTogether.